Back with another dose of economic reality: Some very big money is been selling record amounts of stocks. We also cover interest rates and their impact on the market.




  1. I have been buying alot of indie games lately. I have not bought a triple AAA game for some time. Can not justify the prices to get a half finished game most of the times.

  2. Video games suck now. I've always loved gaming but it's always the same old fps or hack and slash crap now with paid reviews that say they are awesome games. The whole video game industry is a clown show now.

  3. I sold all of my "investment collectibles" (last year), I've closed all of my bank accounts, except for 1 small checking account. I put 1/2 of my money into T Bills,
    and 1/2 into physical Gold & Silver, and a "cash stash". I have NO debt and I'm saving $3,700 every month, so I'm not too worried about whatever financial and
    Economic calamities are in our future – thank God.

  4. The C.I.A. was responsible for this person because they are running the whole Ukraine, and Russia fake war going on now. This guy had been in Ukraine two years ago wanting to unite all nations under one unity flag, and supposedly going after Russia for attacking Ukraine, and upsetting the world order, or some crap like that. This guy was probably on some good C.I.A. LSD ! It's all staged, for our viewing entertainment. Everything on the so called "NEWS" is made up by C.I.A. programmers like CNN people, and FOX people. Hannity, and Cooper are programmers.

  5. You know Jason Warren Buffett, who a America gobalist, Pro World economic forum and sponsor of Planned Parenthood!
    So I hope the old geezer loses all his money he's never done anything for humanity to make it better! Also, do you know that he doesn't gamble with his money! They're large institutions (Banks) that use his persona as a customer of their's to get free loans to make money!
    I don't know about Bank of America if it's his actual shares that he made or were gifted him trying to sell since he's an Insider before the official announcement that we are in a depression ๐Ÿ˜‚! There are plenty of Good YouTube videos on this creep! Jason would you let your kids be babysat by him just look at him! ๐Ÿ˜‚

  6. The video situation has to do with the fact that these companies like Microsoft spent a lot of money to acquire these companies, then dump millions into the games, just to have the games either not meet expectations or get scrapped all together.

  7. Here's the thing JJ..we are throwing all this borrowed money at Ukraine to supply them with arms,to fix their energy grid.Like you said how about finishing the war first..then helping them with aid..And Here's something else to think about..why cant we put 700 million into fixing our old and battered grid? And ill leave ya with this..if the shoe were on the other foot and we were a country in the midst of war and losing a war..And we needed cash infusions to prop us up or help us who would come to our rescue? The Nato nations? the G-20 nations? Who would come help us who would look the other way something to think about..Keep stacking bro!! Rest in Peace Ken good advice!

  8. We don't want to move out of SoCal either, moreso because it seems like the working class are being deliberately driven out by the cost of housing, leaving only the priveleged to enjoy the beautiful climate. The rest of us don't "deserve" the natural beauty and are supposed to shovel snow 8 months of the year and get blown apart by hurricanes.

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