UK businesses concerned about increased employment regulations, warns CBI

British businesses are expressing concerns over the Labour government’s proposed increased protections for employees, fearing it may elevate the risk associated with hiring new staff. The Confederation of British Industry (CBI) highlighted worries regarding Labour’s commitment to mandating parental leave, guaranteed minimum hours, sick pay, and protection against unfair dismissal for all employees. The current ability to dismiss staff without cause if employed for less than two years is viewed as a safeguard by many smaller businesses, who fear challenges to decisions made during probation periods. According to a survey conducted by the CBI and Pertemps, 62% of employers anticipate a less favorable investment and business climate in Britain over the next five years, with concerns about escalating employment regulations. Despite a low unemployment rate of 4.1%, Labour aims to boost the labor force participation rate to 80%, criticizing the previous government for a decline in participation levels post-pandemic.


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