Tell us your ideas on the economy, PM tells entrepreneurs

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim has invited entrepreneurs to share their ideas on economic policies.



5 thoughts on “Tell us your ideas on the economy, PM tells entrepreneurs

  1. Sebagai orang Malaysia, saya rasa kita tak boleh la dok sibuk kejar pembangunan ekonomi dan harta benda je. Bila Malaysia makin banyak tarik pelaburan dari Barat dan China, confirm la budaya dan cara hidup kita akan terjejas. Silap-silap, orang Melayu boleh hilang tempat, dan sumber asli Malaysia pun mungkin dikuasai orang luar. Hanya kalau kita fokus betul-betul pada perkembangan agama Islam, barulah orang Melayu boleh terus kekal memimpin negara ni.

  2. Here is one idea from foreigner friends: To encourage more foreign investment, languages communication barriers can be minimize by encouraging languages such as English, Mandarin and Indian to publicly display and use at govt offices/depts to ease understanding and communications by foreigners to deal on business transactions. AI Translation App can be use frequently to ease verbal communication as well.

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