IN FULL: ‘Number one mission is to grow the economy’ | Chancellor speaks to Sky News

Chancellor Rachel Reeves signals her first budget could include spending cuts and tax rises.



22 thoughts on “IN FULL: ‘Number one mission is to grow the economy’ | Chancellor speaks to Sky News

  1. £22 Billion this, Tories fault that, Economy Economy Economy, yeah we've heard her say it many time in her dull tones, the woman that wanted the job title, not the job. Regarding pensioners, Yvette Cooper could have close the border to illegal migrants, saving billions, or use the money saved from the reduction in interest rates paid to national debt, saving billions, or reduce The Foreign Aid Budget to 10%, Saving billions, or stop allocating large pay awards to Union demands, saving billions? Yet pensioners, who have paid into the system most of their working lives, are told they'll be no allowance for them toward their bills. Sooner Labour go, the better. As for Union secretaries, they can do one too, standing there talking while earning inclusive six figure salaries.

  2. "Black swan" events as they are termed, such as Covid and the invasion of Ukraine are the reason we are currently in such bad shape economically.

    Simply saying that the previous office in power is the reason we are in the situation we are in shows an utter incompetence and miss understanding of why we are here and what direction we should be heading in…

    Im simply flabbergasted.

  3. Economist here.

    Amazon will favour any type of automation over using the labour market to produce output, thus lowering its average cost of operation.

    Without some form of robust automation taxation, vast swathes of economic agents become jobless, resulting in economic decline across the country similar to that in areas where fishing and coal mining for example use to bring great prosperity and contribute to and increasing nominal GDP growth.

    My firm recently produced an investigative analysis of why the 100000 social houses promised by Rayner will not become a reality any time soon based of the government's current inability to run fiscal expansion… Sir Michael Lyons states "wider investors" will fund the project but Labour are currently making the country uninvestable.

    The global landscape has shifted infinitely since Labour were last in power… New dogs… but old tricks will distroy our great country.

  4. Watch how they absolutely tank it – anyone who is productive will probably leave. The black whole, is not affected by train drivers raise ? Please ! Only people claiming benefits want to stay in Britain – everyone who works wants to leave…. let’s see about “stability” in the UK. We need LESS government not MORE!!!

  5. Not buty hitting the pensioners who have worked all there lives for the good of the country. That's all she can talk about is the 22billion .there's no honesty with the labour party. Nit any more .she's allinateing the people who fort for our country And paid taxes .if she was honest on her mandate trail .she wouldn't be in power know.i for one is in my 81st year and anger doesn't go far enough on how I feel fir the rest of the elderly pensioners.

  6. She’s so vile she makes Osborne look like a saint. Claiming thousands for her own energy bills whilst taking it away from pensioners and jacking up the costs with net zero. She’s no representative of Leeds.

  7. I thought tory was bad but comparing tory to this Starmer n his team it makes tory the best choice. If there was an election tomorrow I dont believe one normal person vote for this cronies. Thank God I didn't voted Labour which normally I vote for Labour. I made the right decision

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