Harris and Trump campaigns sharpen attacks on opponent’s plans for economy

The Harris and Trump campaigns are sharpening their attacks on each other on the issue of the economy as gas prices continue to rise.



39 thoughts on “Harris and Trump campaigns sharpen attacks on opponent’s plans for economy

  1. Very short response to allegations…….no response from moderators. They will deny until November kind of like the laptop. ABC has lost me, I put them in the fox, cnn, msnbc bucket.

  2. Presidents have nothing to do with the economy anyway. It’s just luck of the draw. The president is just a figurehead. That’s all they are, the economy is run by the federal reserve. And Trump is an idiot!

  3. This attempt on the life of President Trump lies SOLEY on the shoulders of EVERY member of news media and politicians that spill the never-ending hate filled rhetoric. CRAZY people listen to their words and then take action. WORDS MATTER and YOU are responsible for the feeding of sick minds with your EVERYDAY hate speech.

  4. If people are voting for this woman, because she's a female and she's black.This is why the u s has one of the lowest rating in education, capita, etc. Guys, she can't even face vladimir putin and kim jong eun, hamas etc without facing trump….. Whom she can't even handle…. Of course, migrants would vote for her because she's letting them into the country. The problem is that the crime rate is excessively high, and a good percentage of people are taking advantage and having their cake too. They'll be bringing some of their garbage over here, not realizing the karma. They have coming for them if they're coming here, they're coming here to live a different, and a better life not to take advantage and start making the same old habit and mistakes they've been doing in the country they've been living in if they're gonna come here, they gotta come here to take care of business and take care of their family, not be horsing around.

  5. God help anyone who gets their news from FOX



  6. The American News media in general carry the Democrats water. Don't be fooled by them. A vote for Harris is a vote for high prices, border invasions, funding foreign wars, tax hikes and government corruption.

  7. الإمريكان يعيشون في غرور. وينتخبون رئيساً لهم ليبقيهم في غرور العظمة واستمرار الخطأ والخطيئة.
    ماذا تبحث يا امريكي في ألماني رباه جده في كندا على أموال فروج النساء (مطاعم وكرخانات ترمب). وهو يحكمكم من 2016 ميلادي إلى هذا الحين، وهو الذي يحرك تصرفاتكم من اشعال الحروب في روسيا والسودان ومحاولة احتلال اليمن من قبل تحريض آل سعود لمدة سبع سنوات. وتوقيت الحرب التي يسمونها (غزة وما أدراك ما غزة) صنعت من قبل امريكا وشريكها خامنائي الفاسد. ووضع بؤر في سوريا ولينان وحماس (وما أدراك ما حماس). والآن كل من يريد أن يخلغ هذا الفاسد ويحكم امريكا شرعاً واصلاحاً (تخلقون له أو لها العذاريب) وتشوهون سمعته أو سمعتها، والله لكم بالمرصاد.

    إن كنتم يا امريكان اهل العظمة المطلقة كما تسمون أنفسكم، ما عليكم إلا أن ترفعوا السبع السماوات بدلاً عن رب العالمين.

  8. This ihave nothing w😊ith real økonomi to do…….insurance on car is just becauce they wont make more money……and farmer also must make more money, after disaster from Trump time…….they have minus inn income

  9. The media is the enemy of the people. ABC is a fucking abomination. In the 17 years since I’ve been old enough to vote, I’ve voted Democrat. But after four years of watching the media spew poisonous lies, propaganda and conspiracy theories against Trump while they suppress any information that is damning to the democrats, I see how blatantly biased and unfair the entire system is against Trump. As a matter of fact, I was better off in every way under Trump. You couldn’t pay me to vote Democrat. Their values no longer reflect mine, quite frankly they despise people like me. Gladly voting for Trump and I don’t care what the left does to try to undermine him, these people are fucking satanic. The scum of the earth. They are the most power hungry, divisive, corrupt and willfully incompetent people on the planet.

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