Elon Musk warns America is going bankrupt ‘extremely quickly’ #shorts

Tesla CEO Elon Musk says the U.S. government is on the fast track to bankruptcy and must reduce its spending.



50 thoughts on “Elon Musk warns America is going bankrupt ‘extremely quickly’ #shorts

  1. Thank Kamala and Joe for the billions given to other countries and illegals, not to mention things like the Paris Agreement, which cost America taxpayers dollars (Trump having pulled us out to save since we already exceeded environmental requirements, but Joe and Kamala putting us back in to waste money again). Save America! Trump 2024!

  2. If you stand with government theives you are a theif and you are a bankrupt theif. We the people are done being stolen from by a government of bankrupt theives saying we the people they steal from are bankrupt.

  3. I recently read from several news sources during 2024 Q2 that just the interest on our national debt is increasing by $1 trillion every 100 calendar days. So, that would indicate that per calendar year, the interest on our national debt is increasing by $3.65 trillion.
    Janet Yellin the US Treasury Secretary mentioned that the annual climate cost for the USA to combat global warming is $2 trillion per year.
    The USA has to stop following the beckon call of the World Economic Forum's insane manifesto narrative or It will bankrupt the USA, if it is not already too late.
    The fiscal policies of the Democrats are unrealistic, insane and are bankruptcy the USA. Not to mention funding the foreign wars in Ukraine and Israel.
    The Dems laughed at Trump when he asked for $4 billion to build a wall on our southern border with Mexico, but the same Congress approved $47 billion for Ukraine to protect its borders.
    Does this make any sense?

  4. That's because America is now vested and invested in illegal immigration!. It has completely forgotten about the welfare and well-being of its citizens that pay the taxes that keep it running!. SMH

  5. Wont say where I heard it , but heard it looong ago. America will soon be cut off from ALL 🌏 TRADE. Can anyone see the reasons why ? Its as plain as the nose on your face. Picture what comes next if you have the courage too.

  6. Since apparently it’s ok to identify as whatever we want nowadays…why don’t we all identify as illegals from somewhere in South America and collect some of this cash they’re throwing around…?

  7. Truth they are trying to topple the government and make a world government. AKA we all become slaves of a world order. The majority of the world's governments are by dictators. The Dems have already proved repeatedly they are not above mandating people to do things that they want, shots, and taking away our freedoms of speech to keep people in line! If Dems take over our country is over, if it can even be saved now?

  8. Musk forgot to mention Trump borrowed almost $8 TRILLION to add to Government debt…. Paid to mega corporations!!!! At same time Trump reduced taxes for the super rich (like Musk)…. Trump created the greatest govt debt in history to help the rich!!!! And all Musk can do is run down & criticise America and all Americans EXCEPT FOR THE SUPER RICH!!! Unbelievable!!!!

  9. My dad saw the writing on the wall in 1973. When Nixon took America off the gold standard (physically having a dollar's worth of gold for every dollar printed) he said," There's no need to worry. Every dollar is backed by the full faith of the U.S. government." My dad looked at me and said, " We're just playing with"monopoly money "now. (Fiat currency)

  10. with all the money going out to help illegals
    and other countries we all knew money did Not grow on trees as some seem to think
    and I'll give you 3 guesses who the spenders are and a Hint that Trump IS Not One of them

  11. The selfish unscrupulous billionaires that want the government to give them whatever they want from our taxes while the tax cheaters are getting tax cuts and their refusal to pay a fair amount of taxes is what is pushing the US closer to bankruptcy.

  12. I didnt hear you saying the same thing when Trump added 6.7 trillion to the debt in 4 years, more then any other president, when he had the greatest economy handed to him from Obama.

  13. I’m an old school Conservative. But I do not trust musk not one bit. Why does that new expensive rolling battery has to be bulletproof? Are you aware that he warns people about the dangers or A.I but is creating a literal army of robots capable of combat and God knows what! I seen an employee that quit over the 12 hour 7 days a week and who needs robots that fast.
    I don’t trust him! He’s staying a pretty obvious fact here that isn’t no secret or even surprising. Before we could get over the extreme mistakes made during covid 19 we take on the worlds mentally ill ,their prison inmates and everybody they don’t want in their country was sent to ours! While Biden and Harris were taking what little we had left and gave it all to them. Now we can’t feed our own poor but these immigrant bastards eat well and have shelter and they give them a drivers license as well as CDLs! Yes these people are driving semis! These democrats must be stopped!
    Trump 2024

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