Alan Kohler: Bracket creep, not RBA, choking economic growth | Q+A

Finance guru Alan Kohler discusses whether the Reserve Bank is “smashing the economy” and suggests that the government should look closer to home for solutions.



2 thoughts on “Alan Kohler: Bracket creep, not RBA, choking economic growth | Q+A

  1. Alan Kohler gets some things rights and some things wrong here. Yes taxes take money out of the economy but that money re-enters the economy when the government spends it on stuff like health care and infrastructure. That means when governments have deficits, there is more money in the economy then there was before. This year was meant to be a surplus but it is actually a deficit so it seems foolish to argue the government is responsible for the slowdown in economic growth growth. Unsurprisingly this leaves the RBA responsible. I will note that the Government has failed to increase tax on the richest Australians which has resulted in the rich spending a lot of money on things that don’t produce anything tangible which has caused inflation and slowed the economy but that is a seperate topic.

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