Would the U.S. Economy Be Better Under Donald Trump?

There are only a couple things a president can do to influence inflation — and Donald Trump’s done both.



32 thoughts on “Would the U.S. Economy Be Better Under Donald Trump?

  1. Well, those aren’t correct, either. Congress actually passes the budget, and the extent to which the president is consulted, and thus how much the president influences the deficit, is variable. Second, Congress also has the taxation authority, which includes tariffs, and the president only has that authority to the extent it has been delegated to the executive. As a party to the WTO, the president can increase tariffs pursuant to what happens in trade court. When issues are deemed “national security,” the president also has the ability, delegated by Congress, to unilaterally impose tariffs, such as Trump’s steel and aluminum tariffs.

    Really, this is a game of three card monte, where the dealer (Republican or Democratic presidential candidate) and their shills (campaigns and supporters) try to get you to look one way while moving the money card somewhere else. But even then, it’s a little more complex than what Congress or the president does. Most of the time, macro-events like WW2, the opec embargo, and the Covid pandemic are the root causes of inflation spikes. More rarely are congressional actions, like the rolling back of regulation of financial markets leading to the Great Recession, leading to big inflation spikes.

    However, Democratic policies tend to reduce inflation pressures (such as Dodd-Frank), while Republican policies (such as deregulation) tend to increase them.

  2. A man who’s been convicted of business fraud is not better for the economy. The only thing that we can say about the Biden admin when it comes to the Trump tariffs is that they did not repeal them; at least not all of them. That’s one thing that the Biden admin can do right now to make things better.

  3. To be honest, I don’t think the economy is the real reason to vote for Trump for republicans. Sometimes it’s spite against the good of people they hate, like it is for 4chan people, it’s stupidity and racism — Trump is a raging racist who has been analysed to speak on a level of a 3rd grader — it’s irrational fear against the ‘other’. What republicans tell people and what they think are two things divorced. You can deconstruct all the elaborately stacked usually obvious lies they sniffed up directly from the hands of fox news, and they will still not change their mind, because they are in a deliberately constructed cult of fear, of hate, or personality, of anti-rationality, following a dunce who, just as his journalists, proudly doesn’t engage with the science and academic analysis. This type of cult behaviour is not rational or natural, it’s engineered by a party with such devastating record of terrible economic and social policies, all they can convince the median voter of in order to continue lining the pockets of billionaires whose boots they lick, is to hate their neighbours. The truth? Well the truth is just a buzz-word to them. When last did any one of them read one scientific paper on the issues they were talking about (even something as key as the effects of immigration) that wasn’t retracted for its dishonest scientific practices that were made to produce a desired result? When hadn’t they accused a study they clearly haven’t read for dishonesty in favour of ‘the woke left’ even though it’s been pre-registered? How many of them would even know what a pre-registered study is.. As Natalie Wynn said, in today’s age, and today’s internet, we do not exist in Ancient Greece, in a forum, discussing rationality. We exist in Ancient Rome, in a circus, in an emotional battle of aesthetics.

  4. Two other points: Under Biden, the US has one of the lowest inflation rates in the industrialized world, and gas and oil prices started rising in April 2020, after Trump persuaded Russia and OPEC to cut production by 10%.

  5. Inflation has been proven to be a small percentage of price increases. My guess is companies just started making pacts like the lightbulb cartel and all agreed to just raise prices together so they all get richer together. Shareholders have never been richer and it's directly coming out of our pockets. This is why monopolies are bad and competition needs to make a come back.

  6. And WHO caused the "pandemic"? BIDEN. HIS administration shut down the country. So, if you are excusing the democrats, explain the wars that broke out during the democrat administration while there were NO wars during Trump administration. Remember THAT? Oh, and by the way, miss smartypants…the fed is NOT a government agency. It is a private bank owned by the Rothchild family. Look it up.

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