Non-Doms Trying to Protect Their Tax Breaks #shorts

There is a campaign to persuade Labour to drop plans to abolish non-dom tax breaks. The claim is that it will harm the economy.



41 thoughts on “Non-Doms Trying to Protect Their Tax Breaks #shorts

  1. Believe the owellens 😂
    If you can't see them coming it would be kinda interesting to listen to, whom has the best chance of being the most accurate most relevance of the best hills to.head to

  2. Tax is robbery! Ffs, if the government can print money out of fresh air then why are we paying tax in the firdt place? Marxism is a real wonder. Wealth will flee and is fleeing. Our economy has not grown since 2007 and the vontinued decline will accelerate now.

  3. No matter how long you live, your contribution to the state will not even come close to paying what a billionaire pays. Stop being so envious. Percentage wise you may be correct. I get that. A Veyron costing 1 million has 200 grand vat strapped to it. A 5 million mansion. Imagine the stamp duty on that.

  4. Can we PLEASE stop with the fvking dress? It's a traditional one, and it's none of your business how a woman decides to dress.

    Clearly UK has a long way to go if the video about TAXES has dozens of men flocking in to inform us if they find woman on picture PRETTY.

  5. Never mind the fact that taxes are ENTIRELY injected into the economy (governent spending).
    Tax cuts and exemptions for the wealthy, are largely lost to the economy, because the money is being parked in a tax haven. This money is NEVER being invested in the economy.
    Because, a) if they saw an opportunity for profit, they'd invest anyways. A profit is a profit, regardless of its margin.
    And b) any investment would automatically result in a reduced tax bill, anyhow.

    "Trickle down economics" was KNOWN to be an utter failure even before Reagan and Thatcher enacted it.

  6. It should be that simple. That said some that worked for the HMRC leave and set up companies, earning l9ts of money hiding the wealthy peoples money, using loop holes in the laws. Greedy people will always be greedy.

  7. All the rich people take their money and go away some where they are well come
    At least they were paying some tax
    Labour will run out of money soon to look after boat people and the illegal immigrants
    Now they said they are not going to look after
    The pensioners.what is next.
    Labour party is not going to last full term
    They will run out of money before that

  8. We're meant to be scared that these millionaires are going to quit the country because they don't want to pay a fairer share to society. Considering the majority of them hide their wealth offshore anyway it's high time we allowed them to go and sponge of other countries.

  9. Based on research i carried out, a substantial number of people think men named John deserve hefty payouts from Coutts Bank.
    Thank you to all the Johns who took part in my research.

  10. I am shocked!
    A man who spent his premiership talking about what is 'fair'.
    Apparently not him or his Mrs paying tax but snooping on the bank accounts of the poorest is ok.

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