6 reasons why being a millionaire isn’t always glamorous

Brandon Copeland, a former NFL linebacker turned personal finance coach, is on a mission to educate others about financial literacy. After playing for six teams in the NFL over 10 seasons, Copeland started co-teaching a financial literacy course at the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School in 2019. Inspired by his own financial experiences, Copeland is now a member of the CNBC Global Financial Wellness Advisory Board and has co-founded Athletes.org.

Copeland recently released a book titled “Your Money Playbook,” which serves as a comprehensive guide to managing finances effectively. The book covers topics such as budgeting, debt repayment, saving, estate planning, and starting a side hustle. In an interview with CNBC, Copeland discussed the importance of financial education, the power of investing, and the mindset needed to achieve financial success.

When it comes to investing in the market, Copeland advises beginners to stay informed by following financial news sources and tracking their money across different accounts. By understanding the market trends and where their money is allocated, individuals can make informed decisions about their financial future.

In his book, Copeland encourages readers to affirm their belief in their ability to accumulate wealth. He emphasizes the importance of positive affirmations and breaking free from limiting beliefs about money. By challenging these myths and adopting a proactive mindset towards wealth, individuals can set themselves up for financial success.

Copeland also addresses the common myth of keeping money in the bank instead of investing it. He stresses the importance of putting money to work and making disciplined financial decisions. By focusing on long-term goals and making strategic investments, individuals can build wealth and secure their financial future.

Overall, Copeland’s approach to financial empowerment involves a combination of education, mindset shifts, and strategic decision-making. By taking control of their finances and investing wisely, individuals can achieve financial freedom and build a solid foundation for long-term prosperity.


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